Heyo I'm Nick :)

a transparent gif of 2 cats edited into a car. the car is red and slightly bouncing as the wheels turn. the first cat is in the front and meows, the second is in the backseat and waving its paw. there is a glittery text saying "Cruisin' by To Say Hi !"

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About me

a transparent gif of 3 lemons. one is in the background, second one is sliced in half sitting still and the last one is whole and rolling back and forth

Heyo :-)he/they | 21 | trans+gay💛 I've been into g/t for as long as i can remember and have a special interest in borrowers. I yearn and make art about it. I don't post nsfw or vore💛 The url is not only a nickname from friends but also Schnick Schnack is German for knick knacks which I think fits with a borrower aesthetic hehe💛 I run a large list of g/t media! link to it here! I'm always looking for more entries so my asks and dms are open if you find something missing----------------------
if you're a TERF, exclusionist or conservative of any kind you're not welcome on my blog

My favs

a transparent gif of an orange butterfly flying from the left to the right side

I'm drawing wherever the hyperfixation takes me and right now it's the Magnus Archives! Jon and Elias are my current favourite characters and I love turning them into little guys ^_^i like to do more fluffy stuff so my art is the opposite of this horror podcast

borrower Jon

a close up drawing of Jonathan Sims. He is a brown man with goatee, brown eyes and long brown wavy hair. He has a green turtleneck and is smiling and looking ip

age: 30
height: 11,5cm / 4.5"
Lonely guy, but accustomed to it. Enjoys creative crafts like quilting, knitting and writing
art of him

borrower Elias

a close up drawing of Elias Bouchard. he is a middle aged white man with short grey hair and green eyes. He has a green shirt on and a brown bag strap over one shoulder. He is looking down with a tired expression

age: 50
height: 12,3cm / 5"
Small guy with a big ego. He keeps neat journals of everything and is an experienced borrower due to his age
art of him


a transparent gif of 2 old computers facing each other. their screens are blue and a yellow letter is being send from the left one to the right one

You can find my prices and status here on my tumblr!commission postexamples of my artmy kofi